David & Michelle Heed

David and Michelle Heed are missionaries in Kigoma, Tanzania with an emphasis on Children’s ministries. The five main parts of their ministry are:
- Adoption of Olivia
- Children’s Feeding Programs
- English tutoring for young children (Building an Elementary School)
- Raising up teens to be leaders
- Provision for health.
I. Adoption of Olivia
We believe that orphans need to have a family with a mommy and a daddy just like other children. The Lord helped us to adopt Olivia Pamela Heed to be a part of our family. Last year we were able to complete her citizenship to the United States of America. She is now a dual citizen.
II. Children’s Evangelical Feeding Programs
The Children’s Feeding Programs are done in 8 different villages in partnership with the churches. We do a church service for children with singing, dancing, games, while teaching the word of God. After the service, the children receive something to eat.
III. Tutoring Center (Elementary School)
We have a dream of starting an Elementary School in the village of Simbo. We are currently constructing our 4th building which will bring to completion a total of six classrooms and an office. For now, it operates as a tutoring center, called “Waotao,” which means, “Those Who Dream.” The students get lessons four days a week. We want to raise up the next generation of the nation’s leaders, using children who come from a poor place who would otherwise have no chance to succeed. This year we have kindergarten through sixth grade.
IV. Raising up teen leaders
We are currently supporting High School students, college students, and others in education for various trades. We are also training up many teachers for both English and Bible.
V. Provision for Health
Health insurance is so cheap in Tanzania. An entire family can get health insurance for a full year for only $15 US. The families who choose not to get it, suffer from many preventable illnesses. We have support to help many families get health insurance. To reinforce independence, we say that if a family brings $5, we will support the other $10. This program helps over 400 of families each year.
Reach Initiative International (RII)

Thank you for your interest in Reach Initiative International (RII), a Messianic Jewish ministry born out of our deep love for God and all His people. Yeshua is our example. Motivated by love, He lived a lifestyle of sacrificial service and giving for the benefit of others.
More than 35 years ago we encountered Yeshua, His love, His truth, and His power. Since that time our lives have never been the same! We are passionate about our relationship with Him and wholeheartedly seek to follow His leading every day.
Together with friends like you, we are committed to loving people into the Kingdom of God… one at a time!
Because His love and truth has transformed us, we have a Great Commitment to the Great Commandments- to love God and to love people, and to the Great Commission -to make talmidim (disciples) of the people of Israel and the nations. We also want you to know that in a world where poverty and hunger are rampant, we are personally committed to living a simple and modest lifestyle.
The Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) is moving powerfully on the hearts of Jewish people around the world. RII has a mandate from the Lord to Reach Out and bring the good news of Messiah Yeshua to Jewish people who have not yet heard.
We encourage you to click around our site and check out the various ways God is using RII to accomplish His Kingdom purposes. We count it a privilege to connect with you.
Through our Project 58 initiatives, RII is bringing Yeshua’s love to the poor and those in need by providing them with practical and material help – no strings attached. God’s love is unconditional, and though we are weak and broken vessels, we are wholeheartedly committed to following His example of unconditional love for all people. We have come to understand that it is this kind of love that turns hearts to Yeshua!
Through Generation Next we are empowering the next generations to impact their world for God. We love to give our hearts and time to young people, imparting to them a vision for an intimate walk with Yeshua, and a lifestyle of compassionate service to others.
We are so blessed to have more than 125 wonderful RII staff and volunteers ministering day after day on the ground in Israel, Belarus and India. We also minister in other nations and have found that in every place the Lord has led us, we and our team members have had the privilege of ministering to countless individuals who were seeking for love… often in the wrong places. With great joy, we have introduced thousands to Yeshua’s perfect love and truth!
We at RII, are committed to co-laboring with Yeshua as He ministers:
- Healing to the broken hearted
- Hope to the hopeless
- Forgiveness and freedom to those enslaved by sin and addictions
- Comfort and joy to Holocaust Survivors
- Compassion to orphans
- Eternal life to all who will receive Him.
We are so thankful for our partners who pray and financially support this ministry. You are co-laborers and an essential part of this ministry. Thank you for standing with us!
Sincerely, yours and His,
Stewart and Chantal Winograd,
Founders, Directors Reach Initiative International
Syracuse Jewish Family Services

Since 1891, SJFS has been a trusted source of support for people in Central New York. We are a dedicated, comprehensive network of services that work to build well-being, reframe aging, and create community for individuals and families.
As the human services arm of the Jewish community, SJFS is dedicated to holistic, preventive, wellness-oriented integration of social and human services offered without regard to race or creed to all residents of Central New York.
Syracuse Jewish Family Service (SJFS) is a not-for-profit human service agency that is dedicated to helping individuals and families in the Jewish and general communities of Central New York maximize their self-determination, realize their potential and live with dignity. Since its incorporation in 1939, SJFS has been guided by the Jewish values of family, community, diversity, respect and autonomy. The agency promotes these values by identifying community needs, establishing priorities and implementing programs that seek to preserve and strengthen individual and family well-being.
With emphasis on issues relating to aging, SJFS provides human services on site and in community-based locations which include counseling and psychotherapy, CNY PEARLS, Kosher Meals on Wheels, client advocacy, psychosocial education, geriatric care management, financial case management and assistance with personal finances, transportation and errand services, volunteer coordination, the BeWell Initiative: Behavioral and Emotional Wellness Empowers Later Life, the Tachlis of Inclusion and other exceptional needs programming. SJFS is supported by the United Way, the Jewish Federation of CNY, the Onondaga County Department for Long Term Care, and many others.
Dedicated to preparing the workforce of compassionate, knowledgeable professionals of the future, SJFS also offers clinical internships and research and field work opportunities through accredited local programs.
We envision a community in which older adults, with and without cognitive impairment, and their care partners and support networks
• Maintain physical, cultural, social, spiritual, and vocational well-being at the highest possible level of independence;
• Enjoy emotional well-being, quality of life, and the highest possible cognitive functioning;
• Can live at home safely and/or make safe transitions into an appropriate level of care;
• Are free from depression and have the skills and supports to achieve their goals;
• Have a sense of positive well-being;
• Are socially resilient, and have the capacity and opportunity to foster, engage in, and sustain social relationships and the capacity to endure and recover from stressors and social isolation.